Expo Booths Participant Guide
Expo Date: Tuesday October 24th 2023: Exhibitor Section (Virtual Booths displaying information, products, and/or services) will be open for audience to view from 5pm-6pm ET
Zoom Expo Booths have space for you to provide:
Links to videos
Profile Pictures and Bios
You may be present or have a representative(s) present to interact with the audience in video/chat during any part of the exhibitor business and trade showcase.
Please provide this information to the organizers at your earliest convenience, and not any later than October 21st.
Vendor Specifications/ Quality Assurance Guide
The Clean Air Expo will be featuring many technologies including air purifiers, CO2 monitors, HVAC filters, ventilation improvements, and UVGI, and respirator masks. In order to ensure safety and quality, we will review each speaker and vendor participating and give a quality assurance guide.
To promote proven technologies: Part of the goals of the Clean Air Expo is to provide accurate information and safe products to the public.. We do have a list of “No’s” for certain technologies. For instance:
We do not promote electronic air cleaners based on ions, plasmas, photocatalysis, hydroxyls, or those based on spraying disinfectants (hypochlorous acid, chlorine dioxide, ozone, alcohol, hydrogen peroxide) as they are often unproven and have the potential to do harm, and should be avoided.
All products and technologies featured in the expo will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
To assist vendors in dealing with a global customer-base: We will ask that vendors list any country-specific information for their products.
Shipping information, restrictions, and/or limitations
Voltage, frequencies, or other pertinent specifications for global audiences.
Information about Zoom Expo Booths (exhibitor business and trade showcase)
Disclaimer: The organizers make no representations about the safety or effectiveness of the products presented at the Clean Air Expo, any decision to purchase or engage with specific vendors is the sole responsibility of the participants. The organizers and sponsors accept no liability for decisions and purchases made. Any information on the website or expo is not intended as medical advice or a substitute for obtaining medical advice. The organizers make no representation and assume no responsibility for the accuracy of information contained on, or available through, this website and expo, or its suitability for any purpose, and such information is subject to change without notice. You are encouraged to confirm any information obtained from or through this website with other sources, and review all information regarding any medical condition or treatment with your physician. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking medical treatment because of something you have read on, or accessed through, this website.